4-month-old babies have already started their path towards independence, although this is not very marked yet. They have acquired new physical, cognitive, and psychosocial skills. Do you want to know more about this stage’s development and other qualities? Keep reading!
Following up on the little one in each development phase is essential. There are patterns common to most children. The most advisable thing is to take note of the relevant changes and advances of the 4-month-old baby. This information will be beneficial in consultations with the pediatrician.
The weight of 4-month-old babies
The first element to consider is the weight of 4-month-old babies—their size and the perimeter of their heads.
The baby may be slightly above or below average values and still not have problems. There will only be cause for concern if the difference is very significant.
The values that serve as references vary according to the population characteristics of each country. However, the World Health Organization (WHO) has data that can be easily used and is a good starting point:
- Weight: 4-month-old baby boys should be between 5.6 and 8.8 kilograms. Girls between 5 and 8.1 kilograms.
- Height: Boys measure between 59.9 and 68 centimeters at four months. Girls between 57.8 and 66.2 centimeters.
- Head circumference: what measures the contour of the head. In children, it should be in the range between 40.5 and 42.8 centimeters. On the other hand, in girls, it is between 39.3 and 41.8 centimeters.
On average, 4-month-old babies should have a weight gain of about 600 grams compared to the previous month. If the weight, height, or head circumference deviates from the figures that we have given, the pediatrician will make this notice.
The dream
Sometimes it isn’t easy to measure the quality of sleep in babies. According to a study published in the Revista de Pediatría de Atención Primaria, the three most important variables to take into account are the following:
- Occurrence and duration of the most extended nocturnal sleep period. At this age, little more than five and a half continuous hours are achieved, which usually remains with few variations until reaching 12 months of life.
- Duration of quiet wakefulness. By this, we refer to the short time the baby spends calmly after waking up and falling asleep again autonomously. It is a complex parameter to measure and has presented the most variability since it depends on several factors.
- Daytime and nighttime awakenings. As age advances, daytime awakenings increase (between 95 and 123 minutes), and nighttime awakenings decrease (13.6 to 10.3 minutes).
Babies between 4 and 12 months should sleep between 12 and 16 hours a day, including naps. This is how an American Academy of Sleep Medicine publication explains it.
However, the most common is that they still lack stable sleep patterns. That is why they can wake up at night or exchange night habits for daytime ones. Your circadian rhythms are just getting going.
If the mother has to return to work again, it is possible that the little ones feel restless, and this alters their rhythms. It is recommended that the baby be helped to have stable schedules. Some tips for her to adopt a correct pattern are the following: